CBDR Portal


What is the Objective of this SBC Material?

The goal of this infographic is to offer strategies on how to prevent lapse or relapse from drug use by showing concrete examples and steps on how to refuse and how to cope in healthier ways.

How can you use this in your community?

Local Government Units and workplaces can use this infographic to be distributed in barangay’s especially after completion of program and during aftercare services. These can also be posted on social media. You can post simultaneously or individually. The infographics give strategies for clients to prevent relapse from drug use. How else can you use this material?

  • Can be distributed during CBDR graduations
  • Distributed during aftercare and reintegration events
  • Barangay community bulletin boards or during barangay announcements and events
    • Can show and explain infographics during an event
  • Distribution in partner churches or place of worship
  • Share electronically through your own official LGU Facebook Page or viber groups

You can download the infographic here:

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